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Currently, there is no cure for ME/CFS and long COVID and there is no evidence-based treatments that are proven to be effective. The goal of treatment is to improve a patient’s quality of life and to provide relief from symptoms.

The central feature of ME/CFS and a common symptom of long COVID is post-exertional malaise (PEM) and both patient groups would benefit from adopting a stop, rest, pace approach to minimise PEM.

In addition, working with your doctor to implement stepwise symptom management, which aims to provide symptom relief for your worst symptoms first, is recommended.

Patients may find they benefit from psychological support, to help manage emotions related to living with a debilitating chronic condition and uncertain recovery.

Psychological treatment is not a cure, but additional emotional support can improve quality of life.

View the pages below for information and support on each of the key management strategies for ME/CFS. 

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