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A group of people with ME/CFS sitting at a table in a conference room.

Parliamentary Friends for ME/CFS

Emerge Australia along with members of the ME/CFS community and key stakeholders met in Canberra on Tuesday June 13th for the much awaited launch of the Parliamentary Friends of ME/CFS Group. The cross-party group, co-chaired by Senator Jordon Steele-John and Maria Vamvakinou MP, will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs to speak with advocates, researchers

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A crowd of people sitting at tables in a conference room discussing the impact of ME/CFS.

ME/CFS and long COVID education in demand at GPCE Sydney 2023

Emerge Australia returned to Sydney GPCE this year, 19-21st May, to continue educating GPs about ME/CFS and long COVID – especially when PEM is a feature. Emerge Australia’s Medical Director, Dr Richard Schoeffel, delivered an Advanced Education course twice during the conference, educating 180 GPs about ME/CFS and long COVID.   Demand for the topic was

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A suit-clad man observing paintings.

Kristan Oud joins Emerge Australia – our newest ambassador

Anne Wilson, CEO of Emerge Australia visited the Victorian Artists Society to announce VAS Artist Kristan Oud as an Ambassador for Emerge Australia. Emerge Australia – is a national patient organisation that gives hope to over 500,000 people with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and long COVID through patient support and information, clinical education, advocacy and biomedical research.  Kristan Oud said “With no

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Two scientists researching mecfs through a microscope.

May 2023 International Research and Advocacy Roundup

Our International Roundup provides a brief snapshot of some of the ME/CFS research funding, clinical care and advocacy actions around the world in the last few months. Research  The UK DecodeME genome-wide association study is underway and has reported on progress made so far. By the end of 2022, 23,000 participants had registered for the

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A group of ME/CFS patients standing in front of a projection screen.

GP Education at GPCE in 2023

In 2022, Emerge Australia’s Medical Director, Dr Richard Schloeffel, OAM presented the keynote address at four General Practitioner Conference and Exhibitions (GPCE) with overwhelmingly positive feedback. At these conferences, we demystified the disease by presenting the latest research and providing practical, applicable management options to create a better experience for the patient.    Another theme from

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A woman with ME/CFS is smiling in a living room.

Emerge Australia ambassador Tracey Spicer AM gives chronically ill women a voice

Emerge Australia has announced champion of women Tracey Spicer AM as its new ambassador. The respected journalist and campaigner, with a career spanning radio, television, and newspapers, is throwing her weight behind Emerge Australia, the national patient organisation that represents, supports and advocates for people with post-viral infections including Myalgic Encephalomyelitis* and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and increasingly long COVID. Research is finding overlaps

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A woman conducting experiments in a laboratory with an abundance of bottles, studying mecfs.

January 2023 International Research and Advocacy Roundup

Our International Roundup provides a brief snapshot of some of the ME/CFS research funding, clinical care and advocacy actions around the world in the last few months.  Research The US Centers for Disease control published its long-awaited evidence review of ME/CFS diagnosis and management. The report followed an extensive public consultation process, with submissions from

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TeleHealth Cuts to Hit Most Vulnerable

ABC Article: Support for people with invisible illnesses

Published: 19 December 2022 Emerge Australia’s CEO, Anne Wilson, spoke with the ABC’s Fiona Blackwood about how greater access to government supports like Medicare, NDIS and the disability pension were needed for patients living with invisible illnesses like ME/CFS and long COVID “Because those diseases are classified as diseases rather than a disability, it is very

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Many different types of pills and capsules are arranged on a white surface for individuals with MECFS.

Change to eligibility for oral COVID-19 treatments

Release Date: 1st December 2022 Eligibility for oral COVID-19 treatments The Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee recommended changes to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) eligibility criteria of oral treatments for COVID-19. This will take effect from 1 November 2022. Antiviral treatments taken as capsules or tablets may help stop COVID-19 infection from becoming severe. Courses of

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Bbc world news featuring a woman discussing mecfs.

ABC article: long COVID funding non-existent

Publish date 27 October 2022 The ABC’s Sophie Scott and Stephanie Dalzell recently spoke with Emerge Australia’s CEO, Anne Wilson, as part of their story on the Federal Governments underfunding of long COVID in Australia. Health authorities around the world are spending billions on tackling long COVID, with innovative research projects for new treatments and

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Coronaviruses affecting red blood cells.

ABC Interview: Disappointment after no mention of long COVID in budget

Release Date: 27 October 2022 Emerge Australia’s CEO Anne Wilson speaks with Ros Childs on the ABC expressing disappointment at the latest federal budget, handed down on Tuesday, providing no funding for the sufferers of ME/CFS and long COVID. Ms Wilson details how Emerge Australia may be forced to close essential patient services, including the

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A young man with mecfs sleeping on a bed next to an acoustic guitar.

How Would You Cope?

Media Release: 12 October 2022 How Would You Cope facing the daily battle of Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), for which there is no known cure? Click the Links below to listen to Emma and Caitlin’s stories. Emma’s Story ‘Its a Women’s Health Issue’ Click the Link Below A Women’s Health Issue | Emerge Australia

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A group of business people listening to a presentation on mecfs.

Educating over 100 physios about ME/CFS

One cold evening in late July, Emerge Australia’s Nurse Educator, Kate Herbert, presented to the Australian Physiotherapy Association pain special interest group about ME/CFS. With over 100 participants, including attendees also from other special interest groups, this was the most well attended presentation Kate has delivered to date.   Kate’s presentation drew on research and practice.

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A man researching mecfs while looking through a microscope.

July 2022 International Research and Advocacy Roundup

Our International Roundup provides a brief snapshot of some of the ME/CFS research funding, clinical care and advocacy actions around the world in the last few months.  Research The US National Institute of Health’s (NIH) Community Advisory Committee for ME/CFS has developed a quick reference guide for researchers designing clinical trials with ME/CFS patients. The

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What will it take for Australia to get new clinical guidelines for ME/CFS?

Ensure knowledge from ME/CFS research and the emerging field of long COVID is shared and integrated

A high degree of similarity and strong links between ME/CFS and long COVID offer opportunities for researchers to collaborate.    Emerge Australia, in partnership with LaTrobe University, manages Australia’s only ME/CFS Biobank. The opportunity to develop a long COVID Biobank at LaTrobe that would work on cross matching ME/CFS and long COVID samples to identify the molecular and cellular

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Two men with ME/CFS sitting at a table talking to a doctor.

More GPs educated about ME/CFS at GPCE Perth

Emerge Australia presented the keynote address on Sunday 23 July, at the second General Practitioner conference & exhibition for 2022 in Perth. Just as at Sydney’s conference, Emerge Australia’s Medical Director Dr Richard Schloeffel, OAM, presented about diagnosis, management and treatment options for long COVID and ME/CFS.   Perth’s conference was smaller than Sydney and the

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A man with mecfs is talking on the phone while laying in bed.

3GB Interview: TeleHealth cuts to hit most vulnerable

Release Date: 12 July 2022 Emerge Australia’s CEO Anne Wilson speaks with Luke Grant on 3GB radio supporting joining calls for the Federal Government to reassess its plan to cut some telehealth services and charge the cost for longer consultations directly to patients. Ms Wilson says “since the announcement of the plan, the organisation has

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What will it take for Australia to get new clinical guidelines for ME/CFS?

Educate health care practitioners to provide appropriate, evidence-based, and timely support for ME/CFS and long COVID patients

Evidence suggests health care professionals have little knowledge or expertise in diagnosing ME/CFS and other post-viral conditions such as long COVID. Differentiation between ME/CFS and long COVID is critical for accurate diagnosis and patient management.  Only 27% of respondents in Emerge Australia’s 2019 Health and Wellbeing survey considered their GP to be well informed about

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A man with mecfs is laying on a couch with a laptop on his lap.

TeleHealth Cuts to Hit Most Vulnerable

Media Release: 12 July 2022 “Approximately 25 per cent (60,000+ people) in Australia have ME/CFS symptoms so severe they are housebound or bedbound making telehealth their only practical option.” Emerge Australia, the national patient organisation supporting an increasing number of Australians battling Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) today called on the Federal Government to reassess

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What will it take for Australia to get new clinical guidelines for ME/CFS?

Update Australia’s outdated clinical guidelines to reflect internationally agreed safe and best practice care for people with ME/CFS

It is vitally important that up-to-date national clinical guidelines are developed that reflect the current knowledge base for ME/CFS and have the capacity to incorporate emerging evidence as and when it is published.  ‘Living’ guidelines ensure that people with ME/CFS can benefit as soon as possible from advances in diagnosis and treatment ​and can be efficiently updated. It

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A yellow liquid emanating from a microscope.

Knowledge from ME/CFS research and the emerging field of long COVID must be shared and integrated

There are many highly qualified researchers and centres that need support to conduct these correlation studies. For example, Emerge Australia, in partnership with La Trobe University, manages Australia’s only ME/CFS Biobank. This partnership aims to expand Australia’s ME/CFS Biobank to include long COVID samples, allowing researchers to compare patient cohorts. This will be a unique

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What will it take for Australia to get new clinical guidelines for ME/CFS?

Our GPs need to know what to do: We have the plan, we need the funds

Educate doctors to diagnose ME/CFS and long COVID and provide evidence-based support to people with these conditions Emerge Australia has written a 5 years plan for GP Education about ME/CFS, long COVID and post-viral diseases, accessible to all of Australia’s GPs. Research estimates 90% of people with ME/CFS have not been diagnosed and GPs often

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A woman resting on a white pillow.

Australians with ME/CFS need an Optimal Care Referral Pathway

Currently, people with ME/CFS and post-viral diseases do not routinely receive appropriate, coordinated care. Furthermore, they face barriers accessing evidence-based information and vital allied health support, all of which can inhibit symptom management and recovery. It is critical that ME/CFS and long COVID patients work in partnership with their healthcare team to understand and manage their

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A woman with mecfs wearing a headset in front of a computer.

Changes to the Support and Services programs

Patient Pathways telehealth pilot program Our Patient Pathways telehealth pilot program will be completed on June 30, 2022. Emerge Australia would like to thank the Centre for Community-Driven Research (CC-DR) for including us in this program. Over the next couple of months, we will start to create a new Telehealth Nurse referral process and provide an additional service to

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