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SBS: The world has largely moved on from COVID-19. Meet the people who can’t

Home / News Article / SBS: The world has largely moved on from COVID-19. Meet the people who can’t
Published: 14 March 2025

Saturday, 15 March marks International Long COVID Awareness Day. Five years after COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic, many Australians are still battling its long-term effects.

Journalist Jessica Bahr speaks with Long COVID sufferers and experts about the challenges they face as the world moves on.

Emerge Australia’s CEO Anne Wilson is quoted in the article discussing how Long COVID patients are being forgotten.

“It was a pandemic and it was five years ago and that’s been and gone … but it hasn’t, for the people who are still suffering,”

“[People’s] lives have been completely disrupted because they can’t work, they have no income, their family life has been affected, their ability to function in every possible way has been impacted.”

“These are invisible disabilities and the people are invisible—to society, their doctors, and the government.

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