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Political Parties Missing ‘The Forgotten Community’ With COVID as Patient Numbers Forecast to Double

Media Release
11 May 2022

Emerge Australia has urged Political Parties and Candidates standing in the Federal Election to increase their knowledge and understanding of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).

Anne Wilson, CEO of Emerge Australia, said of the 250,000 Australians who live with ME/CFS, 25 per cent (60,000+ people), have symptoms so severe they are housebound or bedbound and dependent on carers.

Research has revealed 75% of those impacted are women, and only 10% of all people impacted by the myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome recover.

Ms Wilson said, Emerge Australia has experienced an 100% increase in calls for help during the past two months, and has implemented an online awareness program with Federal Members of Parliament to alert political parties of the impending potential outbreak.

“On the current experience we will need to raise another $2 million to provide ongoing assistance and support to Australians impacted with ME/CFS.

“Failure to invest more in prevention and management of ME/CFS could double the number of Australians with ME/CFS to 500,000, according to recent forecasts, which could have major impacts on the health budget,” Ms Wilson said.

On the first day of the petition to candidates standing in the Federal Election over 1000 letters, were received Ms Wilson said.

Dr Richard Schloeffel OAM, the Medical Director of Emerge Australia, said the lack of funding to solve and manage Complex and Chronic Disorders, was dramatically compounding the problem for the medical profession and patients.

Dr Schloeffel said funding for research into ME/CFS is urgently needed so patients are managed safely.

Currently there is no known cure for ME/CFS. So there is a vital need for information about how to accurately diagnose and manage patients to prevent the illness getting worse,” he said.

Media Enquiries:

Ron Smith OAM, Media Communications
Emerge Australia 0417 329 201

Anne Wilson CEO Emerge Australia and Dr Richard Schloeffel Medical Director available for comment
Call Ron Smith to arrange interview 0417 329 201

Supporting Australians with ME/CFS and long COVID: Priorities for the 2022 Federal Election

Ahead of the election, Emerge Australia has identified five priorities which are critical to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for people living with ME/CFS and long COVID. Further information about these priorities can be found in our State of the Nation report. Click Here

Lack of Research on ME/CFS

Access Research Report  (Research Doc I Meg Download)


State of the Nation Video Exposes Australia’s Lack of Research into ME/CFS

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