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Public consultation on the refresh of the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions

Home / News Article / Public consultation on the refresh of the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions

The Department of Health and Aged Care is conducting a public consultation on the refresh of the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions. They are seeking the views of a wide range of stakeholder groups, including people living with ME/CFS, long COVID and other chronic conditions.

The Framework is the overarching policy for chronic conditions in Australia and provides guidance for the development and implementation of relevant policies, strategies, actions and services. 

The Framework was published in 2017 with a timeframe of eight years (2017-2025). 

The Department is interested in understanding how stakeholders have viewed and engaged with the current Framework to date, including any enablers and barriers to implementation. Through this public consultation, the Department aims to identify opportunities to improve the refreshed Framework and better support Australians living with chronic conditions. 

All responses will be anonymous however, participants should take care to exclude any identifiable information in their responses. Responses may be shared with third parties, published or made publicly available.

The survey should take you about 15-20 minutes to complete.

Please take the time to read the consultation paper before you fill in the survey. This will assist you in answering the questions and provide some contextual information about the current chronic condition landscape in Australia.  

In order to make this consultation more accessible to those that might have limited energy, such as people living with ME/CFS and long COVID, the Department have prepared a summary of the consultation paper with just the key elements included for each survey question, once completed please email responses to [email protected].

If you or someone you know has something they would like to share about the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions but cannot complete this survey, please email [email protected].

The public consultation will close at 3:00pm (AEST) on Monday 29 April 2024.

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