On Sunday 19 May, gather your friends and family for Blue Sunday - a delightful way to support Emerge Australia in our mission to help those affected by ME/CFS.
On Sunday 19 May join Emerge Australia
Create your own Blue Sunday Tea Party as a special fundraising event – online or in person - where you can enjoy a soothing cup of tea and favourites treats while making a difference to the lives of so many Australians.
Started by Anna Redshaw in 2013 when she wanted to feel a part of something after a few years of being too isolated to join in in the 'usual' ways. A virtual tea party saw people around the world posting photos of their own Tea Party For M.E, connecting online, and donating the price they'd pay for tea and cake to an M.E charity.
Blue Sunday remains a great and accessible way for friends and family to join in and show their support of their own person/people with M.E.
• Dig out your favourite mug, or your best cups and saucers
• Wear something blue (pyjamas count!), decorate your bedroom, or have your bedding changed to fit the blue theme of the day
• Have a slice of cake, or two. It can be bought or baked, and if your own dietary requirements limit you from eating cake then you can switch cake for whatever works best for you
• If you can donate, the price you'd pay for tea and cake to Emerge Australia.
• Post a photo of your tea party set-up to social media. This allows those who are joining in by themselves to feel a part of something bigger. It breaks the isolation that we all feel when we are too unwell to be with people in-person
• Chat online with others doing the exact same thing. Swap recipes. Like photos. Comment on the gorgeous tea sets that others are using
• Follow the hashtags #BlueSunday2024 and #TeaPartyForME2024 or use the dedicated Facebook event to see everyone else's tea party related posts.
With no right or wrong way to join in on Blue Sunday, I hope you'll find a way that works for you.
Find sharable resources for Blue Sunday here https://www.emerge.org.au/support-us/me-cfs-awareness-week-2024
Email [email protected] with all your tea party details and let us know if you would like your event shared on here so others can join in the celebrations with you!