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Gift in Your Will

Your legacy can help people with ME/CFS

In making your will, you may wish to consider a gift to Emerge Australia, enabling us to help people with ME/CFS and their families at a time when they are hurting and experiencing difficulties.

One of the most impactful ways you can support Emerge Australia is by pledging a gift in your will. It won’t cost anything during your lifetime, but helps ensure that Emerge Australia can continue supporting and advocating for current and future generations of people affected by ME/CFS and other post-infection disease.

Gift in will with Gathered Here 

Sharing what you have with others is one of life’s greatest joys.

To support you in preparing your will Emerge Australia has partnered with Gathered Here, Australia’s most-trusted end-of-life services site, to offer our supporters a free online will.

Writing your will takes just 10 minutes. You can make important preparations for your family and pledge a meaningful gift to a cause you care about.

Our role is to make sure that anyone affected by ME/CFS has the access they need to the support, information and advocacy that empowers them to make their lives more livable. Click on the logo to start writing your free will today.


Changing your prepared gift in will

If you have already prepared your will, or would like to pledge a gift to Emerge Australia, we recommend using the following wording when speaking with your legal counsel:

“I GIVE, FREE OF ALL DUTIES AND TAXES, the whole of my estate, or  ______% of my estate, or the residue of my estate (or ___% of the residue of my estate), or the sum of $ _______, or my units/shares in ___________________ Trust/Ltd, or my real property situated at [insert street address], having the title reference _________________, to

Emerge Australia Inc, ABN 22 385 438 041

Level 7, 276 Flinders Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

The receipt of the treasurer, secretary or public officer for the time being of Emerge Australia is an absolute discharge to my executor.”

If you are considering including Emerge Australia in your will, please contact our Memberships & Donations team 1800 865 321 (press 2 when prompted) or get in touch with us here.

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