In this podcast CEO Anne Wilson is in a most interesting conversation with Dr Chris Armstrong PhD, who performs research in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute at the University of Melbourne, here in Australia.
Before returning to Australia at the end of 2020 he was overseas researching under Professor Ron Davis at Stanford University and working with Open Medicine Foundation as a Science Liaison. He has an interest in the role that energy production plays in ME/CFS, particularly in connection to fatigue, brain fog and PEM; and is widely awarded and published.
Dr Armstrong is the Director of the Melbourne ME/CFS Collaboration, a member of the OMF Scientific Advisory Board and the Emerge Australia Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee, and was part of a pivotal delegation in 2018 briefing Australia’s Chief Medical Officer on research into ME.
I found this interesting particularly with the listing of bio markers using symptoms of a sufferer during bad times, regular times and very good times. Also the discussion of energy production and the Nitrogen Theory. I look forward to further information about that.