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Episode 6 – Lynne Harris

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Emerge Australia Imagine Podcast Series
Episode 6 - Lynne Harris

This conversation, hosted by Anne Wilson, is with the extraordinary Lynne Harris, who has been caring for her oldest son, who has just turned 34, for over 3 years. Prior, Lynn was a full-time junior primary teacher. She had to change her life as a mother of two in order to provide the 24/7 nursing home care that her son’s medical team ordered. He should be at the peak of his working life—building wealth and raising a family—but he is unable to do any of these things.

In fact, he is unable to do anything for himself—unable to feed himself, hydrate, wash, or use the toilet. He can’t interact—he can’t tolerate any interactions. As Anne speaks with Lynne, he is in the midst of a flare-up—he is barely tolerating Lynne in the room; he can’t tolerate being touched, moved, or spoken to.  Lynne and her family’s lives have been changed beyond belief; they are on a never-ending rollercoaster, with no end in sight, in a sea of the unknown, with the unknown terrifying.  A not-to-be-missed heart-wrenching and gritty conversation: thank you for all you do Lynne; thank you to all carers, from the bottom of our hearts.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for the beautiful interpretation of John Lennon’s Imagine – our soundtrack for our podcast series. We’re so proud that Bloom has chosen to be an Ambassador for Emerge Australia.

We are delighted to share Emerge Australia Ambassador Bloom with her rendition of John Lennon’s Imagine to open and close our podcasts.

2 thoughts on “Episode 6 – Lynne Harris”

  1. Thanks to Lynne for her incredible bravery in doing this heartbreaking interview.
    Carers of people with ME need to have a voice. They suffer the same isolation, lack of support, disbelief and stigma as the family members they care for. Lynne showed clearly what an overwhelming and selfless job it is both emotionally and physically. As a sole carer for my son for over 15 years, mostly housebound with moderate ME, I understand. I wish her son Dan some improvement in his health and that she takes care of her own health with the same amazing dedication as she gives him.

  2. Thanks, Lynne for sharing your heart wrenching episode about Dan, yourself and husband, Michael. It’s very raw and confronting, especially when it’s so close to home. I wish there could be a miracle drug or a strong avocate with a demanding parliamentary voice that can change laws and yell out to everyone that this deliberating disease is real. You are an amazing person/carer/mother/wife and would love to support you in some way, even if it’s just calling in for a cuppa with yourself and Michael (who is also a swimming partner in crime). Living in Port Lincoln myself with cfs/me is isolating but at least I am able to get out and about, even if its just to float in the ocean when relapsing. Take care, bless you and know you are loved.

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